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Without a doubt the New Foundation Farms’ greatest asset is who we are.

We believe in the power of unreasonable people to change the world and we all bring our rich life journeys to the New Foundation table.

Together our passion, skills, expertise, knowledge, entrepreneurialism and values are the wellspring of our commitment and ability to help make possible a radical natural transformation in food, farming and land management.

We don't just think human beings can be a beneficial keystone species on planet earth.

We know we can.

Click on the images below for more detailed profiles

Co founder & #1 Shareholder

Collaborative CEO

Non Exec Director, Holism & Emergence

Head of Agrosystems Design

Non-Exec Director, Technology

Head of Knowledge Exchange

Director of Estates Management

Non-Exec Director, Brand & Marketing

Co Founder & Collaborative CEO

Co Founder & Collaborative CEO

Non-Exec Director, Finance

Collaborative CEO

The Japanese have a concept called ‘ikigai’, this represents how all of the team feel about their involvement in New Foundation Farms.

This is truly an alignment of skills, values and passion and it certainly benefits the world.


The International Advisory Group is exactly as described. A team of carefully chosen minds who believe as deeply in our mission as we do and whom we can call on for advice with very specific topics.

Click on profile pictures for Linkedin connections

Our #1 Advisor

  • We are guided by nature in everything we do

Strategy & Collaborative Finance

  • Market & Enterprise Development and Complementary Financing & Funding

    Expert in legal design generally and financial technology specifically

Regenerative land agency

  • Harry Epsom is a Land Agent specialising in strategic estate management which incorporates regenerative agriculture.

    He founded and runs Epsom Rural, a consultancy practice, and advises clients across England on a range of rural business matters including regenerative farming, tenancies, diversification projects, planning applications and environmental management to name a few.

    Harry provides his advice through holistic thinking to help build resilience on his clients’ farms.

    His experience includes setting up market gardens, a pastured poultry enterprise, a regenerative

    agriculture tools business, and various other on farm diversification projects. He is also taking several farms through the organic certification process.

    Born in Kenya, Harry grew up on a 36,000 acre ranch before studying in South Africa and then at the Royal Agricultural University in Cirencester.

    Harry is a Member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors as well as a Fellow of the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers.

    Additionally, Harry has studied making farms work through regenerative agriculture as well as permaculture and holistic farm management, all of which he incorporates into his practice.

    More recently, Harry has joined the Board of Directors of the Biodynamic Land Trust.

    Outside of work, Harry lives in Buckinghamshire with his wife, Sarah. He is a keen on anything outdoors but in particular loves rock climbing, hiking, camping and fishing. Harry is also a keen gardener and dabbles in practical farming when time allows.

Ecosystem Services

  • Alexander Godfrey has ten years of experience in investment banking (fixed income), a BSc in Economics and an MSc in Global Energy and Climate Policy, focusing on regenerative agriculture and climate finance, from SOAS University.

    Alex consulted on a silvopasture enterprise in the Bolivian Amazon, stacking enterprise and engaging with indigenous people whilst developing an effective nature-based solution to mitigate climate change.

    Alex has worked as an analyst in the UK’s agricultural space with a focus on natural capital and carbon markets.

    Last but certainly not least, Alex works on a mixed farm in the Cotswolds with Aberdeen Angus cattle and arable rotations. He describes himself as a “systems-based thinker and a firm believer in a world that believes in people, planet and profit” – not just the third one!

Business Strategy

  • Misa Lukic is one of the most prominent brand and business leaders in Europe. He is an expert in business design and combines business strategy and creativity together in the ground breaking Business Sapiens approach he has co-created and executes through his company New Startegy.

    Misa was previously Chief Executive Officer of Publicis One for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) including the Baltics, Greece, Turkey and some Central Asia countries. For two consecutive years, 30 countries under Misa’s leadership achieved the highest growth and profit, not only within Publicis One Worldwide (95 countries), but the entire Publicis Group (2016 – 2018).

    Over the 25 years, Misa has become a “business rockstar” who has led five marketing communications agencies. He is a lecturer, speaker and panelist on numerous international conferences, events and post-graduate courses. He is a philanthropist and humanitarian.

    A multi-faceted source of inspiration and expertise, his many public awards include:

    Honorary Ambassador of Knowledge, Life Learning Academia, Slovenia

    Benchmarked with numerous awards from the most recognized creative festivals in the world: Cannes Lions, Cresta, Eurobest, Epica, Moscow Red Apple, FAB awards, EACA Care Awards, Golden Drum

    Ranked among Top 100 Business Leaders of South-East Europe – Summit100

Sustainable corporate structures and law

  • Becs is a former city lawyer, specializing in venture capital and mergers & acquisitions, following her initial training as a banking lawyer. Before leaving London, she also worked at a social impact investment firm, looking at alternative ways to structure debt and venture financing to create maximum positive impact. 

    A passionate advocate for regenerative agriculture and sustainable systems, Becs left her role as a corporate lawyer to work on a regenerative farm in Portugal and spent a year gaining practical experience in this area, alongside research into related topics such as regenerative systems, de-growth and co-operatives. She is deeply interested in exploring alternative corporate structures that align with sustainable principles. 

    Currently, Becs consults for Vinted as well as a number of small, innovative companies. Her passion lies in helping organisations which are looking to do something a bit (or ideally, a lot) different, to pave the way for a better future. 

Purpose & Standards

  • Victoria has spent almost 30 years spanning both academia and companies to answer the question: How can we help organisations make decisions that align with long-term wellbeing for all (sustainability) rather than undermine this pinnacle shared goal? Her hands-on action-focused work with global executives combines insights on purpose, governance, marketing, leadership and culture – as pillars of the value an organisation creates or destroys.

    She is a Fellow of University of Cambridge’s Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). Among other achievements Victoria co-led the 5 year development of the first global ISO standard in Governance of Organizations

Rural Enterprise Hubs

  • I have a broad skill base having created my own company 1994-2013. I have a creative design orientated mind that solves problems, develops systems and creates and realises visions.

    I have management skill, but also specific skills in marketing (including ability to use Adobe Creative Suite and website building), IT (including database design, development and business systems), and finance (including a high level of skill in Excel).

    Intensely creative I solve problems quickly and create practical solutions that make lives better.

Soil & Climate Science

  • An internationally recognised Australian climate scientist, soil microbiologist and innovation strategist, Walter Jehne was one of the early researchers on glomalin, mycorrhizal fungi, and root ecology. Walter worked for three decades at CSIRO (the Australian government’s scientific research organisation), with the UN, and with NGOs such as Regenerate Earth and Healthy Soils Australia to create global change in food systems and climate response. He is also a member of The Mulloon Institute’s Science Advisory Council.

    Walter has a remarkable ability to explain complex science and economic paths forward in easy to understand ways, and is passionate about educating farmers, policymakers and industry about the “soil carbon sponge” and its crucial role in reversing and mitigating flooding, drought, wildfires, and searing global temperatures. His message is that we can safely cool the climate and restore essential biodiversity by Walter Jehne, an Australian climate scientist and soil microbiologist, was an early researcher on glomalin, mycorrhizal fungi, and root ecology. He worked for three decades at CSIRO and collaborated with the UN and NGOs like Regenerate Earth and Healthy Soils Australia. He also serves on The Mulloon Institute’s Science Advisory Council.

    Walter simplifies complex science for farmers, policymakers, and industries, focusing on the "soil carbon sponge." This idea shows how fixing hydrological cycles can reduce flooding, drought, wildfires, and high temperatures by returning carbon to the soil, boosting its water retention and revitalizing the biosphere.

    Walter argues that cooling the planet requires addressing water vapour, which governs 95% of heat dynamics, rather than just CO2. His ideas have influenced international policies, including the IPCC's focus on soil.

Organisational culture

  • Sue has had a diverse and extensive career as a senior manager and director. After qualifying as a Chartered Accountant, she led the international finance team in Oxfam at a watershed moment in the organisation’s history before becoming Finance Director at a national women’s organisation.

    She went on to join the social business sector with the Ethical Property Company where she was FD, then Managing Director for eight years. She brings a wealth of experience of managing teams, working with boards and leading strategic change, as well as procuring social investment and growing one of the UK’s leading social investment organisations.

    Sue holds roles of non-executive Director and Board Chair in the family business and social enterprise sectors.

Associate Developer

  • I’m a professional software engineer with over 10 years experience working for various companies from a web design agency to an innovative healthcare startup.

    Technology has profoundly changed all of our lives through disruptive innovation such as the internet, search engines, and the rise of social media. I see the same disruption having a positive impact on agriculture. There has never been more information available to us than at this very moment in history and it stands to reason that we should know more about the soil beneath our feet.

    A project which I am still actively involved with has cemented the adage to me that “you can only improve what you can measure”. It involves collecting readings from electrical equipment and applying statistical modelling to determine its overall health. This has already revealed many previously hidden issues from what would appear on the surface to be a healthy piece of equipment. I feel the same can be applied to agriculture to empirically show that a regenerative approach can improve topsoil health, biodiversity, and much more.

    I care passionately about the environment. For a long time I’ve been aware of my own disconnect with the food that I eat and the journey it has been on to arrive on my plate. Crucially, the environmental impact durings its journey is hidden. I believe that while it’s important that people should be aware of the impact, the time has come to be bold and to fundamentally change the food production system as it stands today so that we can all benefit.

    I am pleased to be involved with a group that wants to prove that a regenerative approach can work commercially.

Gate to plate expert - Ooooby

  • With almost 20 years of running food enterprises across manufacturing, wholesale, distribution and retail, he brings a wide range of industry experience to the table.

    Pete Russell is the founder and CEO of Ooooby – a gate-to-plate trading platform for independent farmers and artisan producers.

    Pete is driven by a vision of a real food renaissance where ecologically sound food from a decentralised network of independent producers is widely accessible, affordable and commonplace.

Adaptive human intelligence

  • Dr Claudius holds M.Sc. in organisational behaviour, M. Phil in applied ethics, and Ph. D in philosophy of integrative medicine.

    His passion is to contribute to the discovery of deeper Complex Human Adaptive Intelligence to better manage today’s vexing challenges and intriguing opportunities. He draws insights and approaches from research in neuroscience and complexity theory held within the philosophy of holism.

    His work strives to create a shift in perspective to better enable engagement with the dynamic and uncertain context – ‘navigating the edge of chaos’ – with process-orientated engagement characterised by resilience and innovation.

    Practical experience includes three decades of applying neuro linguistic programming (NLP) and psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). He has published papers on these topics and addressed conferences internationally. Claudsius’ current core focus is the Holos-Earth Project and training in Cultivating Holistic Worldview and Practice.His incredible mind will help us to bridge the gap of human understanding and behavioural change needed for NFF to re-write the how to of food production and how we re-frame ourselves within these emerging systems.

Tourism & marketing

  • Personally, I am bit of a 'Jack of all Trades'. As a group, we have strong experience in database systems, direct marketing, graphic design and online marketing (particularly through search engines) and I have picked up knowledge has we have grown in this fast moving world.

    Running your own company is always educational. I have gained more from learning what I am not good at than my triumphs. Chairing a group of companies is fascinating and shows that however good you are you can always learn from someone else.

Sustainability & Collaboration

  • My gift is to help individuals and groups of people think wider and deeper together than they might otherwise, especially about matters of critical importance. Groups with conflicting viewpoints and strong emotions don't trouble me, rather I see them as a system that is active and ripe for beneficial change.

    A persistent thread in my current work is helping leaders reflect creatively on their response to existential crises such as climate change.

Sustainability Leadership

  • Professor of Sustainability Leadership at the Institute for Leadership and Sustainability and visiting professor with shared oversight of leadership research and teaching at Warsaw University School of Social Sciences (with Prof. Wlodimiertz Swiatek).

    For 40 years I have combined university teaching with consulting – advising organisations of every kind and size on matters of sustainability and organisation development. They include Singapore Civil Service, to which I was a retained advisor; Goldman Sachs Japan, where I advised on sustainable and socially responsible investing; the Japanese government, supporting a national campaign to improve Japan’s Global Gender Gap ranking; the National Council of Voluntary Organisations; Swiss Re, on emerging global risk and Grasmere Village Hall Committee. I should add that the last of those was by far the most taxing, personally and professionally.

    I have served on several parliamentary and other panels and have held several trusteeships.

    Some 40 papers and chapters published, many with co-author Jem Bendell; some others, between 1995 and 2012, under a pseudonym.

    In 2000, with Kate Rawles, Chris Loynes and Richard Lemmey, I created a postgraduate course in developmental education at the Universityof Cumbria (then University College of St Martin). Shortly afterwards, we founded the Centre for Leadership and Sustainability in Ambleside. Later, we were joined by Jem Bendell and David Murphy. CLS became IFLAS, which has become a model for similar initiatives.

    I lived in Japan between 1985 and 1991. We keep a house there and go back whenever we can. I am a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD. My tendency to scepticism, especially about leadership, began when I was expelled from school, a career high point not since surpassed.

    My professional life was conducted in time reluctantly stolen from Alpine mountaineering. I should add that it surprises me, given how much climbing I have done, how rubbish I still am at it.

    Changing business education

    As a consultant, an independent activist, scholar and writer, I am driven by what I see as the imperative need for change in the nature and purpose of business education. I believe that, by and large, business corporations, under the prevailing neoliberal sentiment, have come to regard social and environmental responsibilities, and even morality, as mere options, usually taking second place to rent-seeking and profit.

    The business system has, since 2008 preferred to sequester profits as dead money rather than invest in socially useful innovation; much of such innovation as does occur is intended to reduce business costs through automation or to increase rents through data appropriation and corporate enclosures. The results include regulatory arbitrage, gross invasions of privacy, the erosion of civil solidarity and egregious inequality. Mainstream business education is attuned to this terrifying ideological capture while mainstream economics cultivates the dead letters of market fundamentalism and homo economicus. I propose that, just as there is an urgent need to reform economics education, so there is a present need to transform the bulk-mainstream of business education, introducing critical-scholarly and activist perspectives under the broad heading of business-for-sustainable-futures.

    The spearhead of this change is leadership: a revolution in how it is understood that starts with the rejection of hero-worship and masculine conceptions of power.


  • Wayne is a business technologist with a 20 year career in the software industry. He has worked across both various functions and geographies, covering Engineering, Product, Marketing, Management and Leadership. He has worked in roles across the UK, Europe and the United States.

    Wayne spent three years as a Venture Capitalist at Notion Capital examining companies in the space of B2B SaaS, Enterprise Software, Artificial Intelligence and Developer Tooling. He was Chief Commercial Officer at Wercker and supported its fundraising, growth and final sale to Oracle Corporation.

    Following a sabbatical period where he researched such topics as community, permaculture and regenerative agriculture he has retargeted his career to focus on Agriculture and brings scientific rigour, technological understanding and an innovation mindset to the industry.

    He is digging deep into scientific and technological solutions to accelerate the transition of farming to regenerative including current participation in an MSc Agricultural Technology & Innovation at the Royal Agricultural University and working closely with AgriFood Tech businesses through his advisory work. Throughout the last 10 years he has advised a variety of companies on topics such as technology, strategy and operations, both directly and through a variety of leading business accelerators.

    Whilst his Masters’ degree is in Agriculture he holds a Bachelor’s Degree, Software Engineering (BEng) from Manchester, and brings a broad knowledge of technologies and approaches to their utilisation to solve industry problems.

    He has particular interests in Soil Science, Artificial Intelligence, AgTech, the Future of Food and the Future of Agriculture and brings those interests together for New Foundation Farms as our Chief Operating Officer and Chief Technology Officer COO/CTO designate, ensuring farming operations are conducted efficiently and effectively by the appropriate use of science, technology and ecologically centred processes.

    Wayne is a member of international networks Global Regeneration CoLab & Top Tier Impact and is a student member of the Institute of Agricultural Engineers (IAE), British Society of Soil Science and the British Institute of Agricultural Consultants.

Farm retail & food processing

  • Michael’s love of food and farming started at an early age. His grandad owned a small plot of land where he reared animals, milked goats and lived off the land, the good life. It stuck with Michael and after some time working within the agricultural sector he made his move into food retail. He began by creating a new farm shop with a close friend in Nottinghamshire over 18 years ago. From there Michael progressed his career and became Head of Retail at one of the largest farm shops in the country. He helped the brand to grow and with his specialist knowledge in fresh food production and retail the business grew to a decent £21m turnover.

    During his time working in the industry, Michael also studied Strategic Management and Leadership. All this experience gave Michael the knowledge and expertise to start Fresh Retail Group, 3 years ago. The company has gone from strength to strength and now helps advise clients with a combined annual turnover in excess of £50m. It has also helped to steer new projects with investments in excess of £15m.

    Michael believes that great tasting, local, sustainable food, sold by experienced, passionate people is key and his knowledge of how to do this commercially but sympathetically for the farmer, the local community, the team and the customer makes for a better future.

Circular Economy

  • Ken Webster is currently a visiting Fellow at Cranfield University.

    From 2010-end 2018, he was Head of Innovation for the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, a circular economy pioneer organization.

    He is also Director of the International Society for Circular Economy (IS4CE).

    His recent book (with Craig Johnson) ABC&D Creating a Regenerative Circular Economy for All uses food and farming as a focus for exploring the notion of extractive vs circulatory economies and how to transition to the latter.

    He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA).

    Twitter: @CircularEconKen

Placemaking Innovation

  • Anton brings his creativity and holistic expertise to the team. He has worked for over 10 years at the intersection of real estate, technology and sustainability. He is founder of House of Transformation in London and also runs his own consulting practice as well as co-founding global networks and events such as re:build and enchanted.

Organisational Design

  • I work with organizations of all kind and across all industries using a tailor-made approach for the challenge the organization is facing. I build on leading best practice from science and practice and use tools I have co-developed if and when appropriate, in service of a pragmatic solution.

    Some of these tools that I find valuable are featured on the references page. The purpose of many of them are to create the basis for a new kind of conversation among the involved leaders and teams, so that a new understanding and perspective can be jointly developed and a innovative solution emerges

    I work with teams of all kind along their transformative journey:

    new organizational structure

    embedding sustainability

    developing responsible leaders

Renewable Energy

  • I dream of a future world of clean energy, sustainable living and climate change resilience. I am convinced that renewable energy and more sustainable ways of using energy are a steps in the right direction to help mitigate climate change and am dedicating my career to help realise this. I have been involved in energy generation for over 25 years, more than half of that in sustainable energy. I have a BSc Mechanical Engineering and, with distinction, an MSc of Marine Renewable Energy (MRE). I am a registered Professional Engineer (akin to Chartered Engineer) with the Engineering Council of South Africa.

Agroecosystem Researcher

  • Stefano enjoys building bridges between the natural world and human-centered design. He applies a biomimetic lens to all challenges, drawing on the first principles demonstrated by the evolution of life on earth. He is a specialised generalist, focussing on three areas of expertise: Biomimicry, communication and governance, and regenerative design – currently as it applies to agriculture.

    Stefano is trained as a mechatronic engineer (BEng), and his work began in mechanical design, followed by business development and project management in the solar energy industry. He has years of experience dealing with the pragmatics of on-farm, rural life.

    As a Biomimicry Practitioner, Stefano solves form-, process- and system-based challenges by applying the philosophy and practice of Biomimicry. This is a design discipline and methodology based on learning from all of biological life, what we call “nature”.

    Stefano recognises that all challenges, particularly those arising when organisations scale, entail solutions arising from communication and governance. He has therefore placed a personal emphasis on learning and practising effective communication techniques and team-building strategies. Stefano’s growth-orientated mindset catalyses the teams he works with.

    During a recent sabbatical period, Stefano learned from and worked with the innovators in successional agroforestry (Syntropic Farming), assisted the restructuring of a farm-to-fork organic food enterprise, and consulted with numerous start-ups and NGOs. Through these experiences, Stefano has learned to identify drivers of and obstacles to growth.

Regenerative food production

  • achel is a Landscape Architect and Urban Designer specialising in regenerative food production and designing spaces for food, soil health, wildlife and biodiversity.

    She learnt to grow food from her grandparents in Jersey who grew much of their own produce on their acre – including Jersey Royal Potatoes! Rachel still loves potatoes.

    Growing food commercially for the last 10 years, Rachel has worked with CSA, farms, market gardens, urban farms, community gardens and corporate businesses to increase food production and efficiency, whilst reducing labour and costs.

    Rachel founded Edge -a non-profit design agency – with the main aims of designing urban food production systems, growing food within whole ecosystems and educating others on food production systems and ecological farming practices.